Sunday, July 22, 2007

Time to do something

Today i was bored as hell!!! And when i have too much time on my hands i tend to think lots.
Basically i have a goal and that is to become a respected player within the touch community. I know i can play but i know there is still so much room for improvement. How can i improve? Well first of all i could up the fitness, but the thing is that i find it hard to find time to do fitness, especially during the semester. But it seems like i'm making excuses. People don't just become good by sitting on there bottoms, they get out there and do the hard yards. They practice but most of all they have self belief that they can do it. No point putting in the time and energy and not beleiving in yourself.


jenneh said...

tiffy, i've changed my blog url. it's


benjamin chang said...

tiffy, i started blogging too and the url is
and some update pls :)